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COVID-19 resources


Most of the resources will require an OpenAthens account (username and password) before you can access them.

Books and print journals

The Healthcare Libraries stock over 40,000 books and some print journals - more on books.and print journals


NHS staff are able to access some e-books with their OpenAthens account.


Access an A to Z listing of online journals using your OpenAthens account - more on e-journals

Healthcare Databases

Use your OpenAthens account to search the NHS core content healthcare databases (Medline, Embase, Emcare, Cinahl, BNI, PsycInfo, HMIC and AMED) - more on databases

Mobile resources

Several of our health information resources are available via a smartphone or tablet.

Health and Wellbeing Resources

Critical appraisal

Health literacy

Copyright and the NHS

Helpsheets and guides